Start time is 8:30am Central Standard Time.
This full-day ecological restoration seminar satisfies continuing education credits for architects, planners, engineers, and others. This practical and In-depth curriculum includes disturbance ecology and succession, revegetation planning, seed mix and plant palette development, soil surface protection and erosion control, bioengineering, integration of hydrology, soils, and vegetation in upland, riparian, and wetland systems, and a variety of other critical design, planning, and restoration project implementation elements. The the title is focused on Natural Areas, the course content is highly appropriate to a wide range of wildland, urban, and rural settings. Case studies from the Rocky Mountains will be shared, along with expert insights from three decades of experience in ecological restoration.
For more details, and to register, visit:
50% Discount for New Users: If you are new to Halfmoon Education, they are offering a 50% discount on course fees for the first 10 people who register with the discount code. Please contact us via the “contact us” link on the footer of this page to request the discount code.