Ultimately, the greatest service we can provide is to our communities,
and to the ecosystems supporting them.
Economic Restoration Services is focused on helping businesses, industries, NGOs, and community groups increase their ability to serve and sustain their communities in the process of restoring the natural landscapes they are a part of.
This includes research and demonstration projects to help local farmers deliver food sustainably to their community, strategic planning efforts to strengthen regenerative regional economies and sustainable industries, and helping entrepreneurs bring novel solutions to bear on their customers and their community.
Achieving regional economic restoration goals (e.g., resilience, sustainability, circularity, watershed health, food and energy security, etc.) requires a wide variety of people and entities be engaged in meaningful discussions. Through a facilitated and collaborative process, ER’s principal has a unique ability to bring together divergent interests, interweaving seemingly exclusive goals into a coherent vision. Our stakeholder engagement processes are designed to not only empower members of the public to contribute to meaningful restoration solutions, but to impart education. One way we accomplish this is through a “multiple-goals” analysis, guiding stakeholders in a discovery of how their goals are best met when the collective goals of the group are balanced.
ER brings decades of experience managing multi-disciplinary staff and teams to develop circular & sustainable business strategies, a variety of green infrastructure projects, integrated renewable energy-agriculture installations, pollinator habitat development, native and regenerative landscapes, and other impactful projects. This includes an integration of design, regulatory compliance, implementation, and adaptive management services. Our interdisciplinary skills are brought to bear, for instance, on strategies that restore degraded agricultural landscapes and watersheds not by consuming resources and revenues, but by generating revenue and jobs in the process of restoration.
Giordanengo delivers seminars, keynote addresses, and public talks that inspire and challenge your members, partners, and staff to restore our economies and landscapes through the work they do. Whether you are in the corporate, government, or non-profit world, you and your staff are capable of forging meaningful change every day, on every project, everywhere in this world. Sometimes, we simply need some direction, and an inspirational nudge. ER’s principal restoration economist, John Giordanengo, has decades of experience crafting solutions-oriented talks and keynote addresses on economic restoration, ecology, conservation, regional planning, ecological restoration, and sustainability to a wide range of audiences. Click here to learn more.
ER’s founder has two decades of experience crafting and delivering a variety of workshops and trainings for public and private clients interested in economic restoration, ecological restoration, xeric and native landscapes, composting & recycling systems, systems thinking, and entrepreneurial business development. If you have a unique training need, or would like to learn more about some standard workshops and trainings we can craft and deliver for you, don’t hesitate to contact us. Upcoming workshops are available on our events calendar.
Entrepreneurs are essential to restoring their regional economy. ER staff provide a variety of services to help aspiring entrepreneurs achieve lasting success, including business and organizational development, customer development strategies, and professional coaching to help you carry your great idea past the most common business start-up hurdles. Reach out to share your vision, so we can start the discussion about bringing it to life.
The restoration of degraded agricultural systems is essential to water security, food security, carbon neutrality, energy security, watershed health, and community resilience. That is, agricultural restoration (i.e., regenerative agriculture, biodynamic agriculture, sustainable agriculture, etc.) is the foundation of regional economic restoration. ER staff bring together a unique blend of ecological, economic, business development, and regulatory knowledge to help farmers and local entities restore our most degraded agricultural systems to a highly functional state. To learn more about current projects, or to start the conversation about your farmland, follow this link.
Our clients are private landowners, industry groups, entrepreneurs, corporations, local municipalities, state agencies, non-profit organizations, and others. A few clients John has had the privilege of working with include:
Colorado Parks and Wildlife • Pueblo Food Project • Hungry Buffalo • Kiewit Corporation • City of Fort Collins, CO • DR Horton • Boulder County and City of Boulder, CO • US Forest Service • National Park Service • McKinstry Co. • Coalition for the Poudre River Watershed • Recycle Colorado • Northern Water Conservancy • Prologis • JR Engineering • Naranjo Civil Constructors • Environmental Defenders of McHenry County • Town of Vail, CO • University of Wisconsin (SAGE) • Prescott College • Virginia Commonwealth University • Big Thompson Watershed Coalition • And others…
Click here to view upcoming, current, and past projects we have been honored to complete for clients, in support of our mission and theirs.
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