Old Firehouse Books and the Poudre Library team up to host the Fort Collins launch of “Ecosystems as Models for Restoring our Economies (To a Sustainable State), 2nd Edition.” It’s an honor to have Anthem Press publish this 2nd edition and promoting it around the US and abroad. This evening I’ll be melding economic and ecological stories from around the globe, in a way that helps us understand how to restore our local and regional economies in a highly turbulent 21st century. One of nature’s most primeval lessons is that times of turbulence favor an evolved model, not those tailored to the past. We must redefine sustainability for this turbulent century, which requires a fundamentally different economic model to balance our most important social, environmental, and economic needs. The benefits of restoration hold great promise for communities, businesses, governments, and consumers.
Miriam of Old Firehouse Books will be leading a question and answer period, and I’ll be happy to sign copies of the book for those in attendance. Thanks to everyone that has helped get this book project to this stage.
Free and open to the public.
More information at: https://poudrelibraries.librarycalendar.com/events/month/2025/04